Adventures while walking about Auburn, Alabama and its environs...

About This Website

I have grown up in Auburn, Alabama. I first moved here in the mid-70s, and other than a few years in North Carolina as a child and a few years in California as an adult, I have spent most of my life in this town-now-becoming-a-city. Auburn is changing very much these days; it is growing at a phenomenal pace. I'm not complaining about this, nor am I applauding it. It is what it is (if anyone wants to bemoan the fact that the area is "losing its history", I would suggest bringing this up to the Creek Indians who inhabited the vicinity a couple of centuries ago -- I think they have much more to complain about).

Back in 2015 I began taking longer and longer walks through the city of Auburn and then extended those treks into the surrounding county (Lee County). I had, for years before, walked about town quite a bit already (I live in the center of Auburn just a few blocks away from the "downtown" and university campus). After living in Lee County for several decades, I began to appreciate how much more I could discover by walking rather than driving about it.

Soon these journeys were exceeding 20 miles. I learned what my typical pace was (about 3.25 miles per hour), I learned to reconcile my walking plans with forecasted weather (rainy? how hot?), and I learned that the at-one-time-seemingly-impossible treks of 30+ miles, are, in fact, quite achievable.

And typically, while on these walks, I carry a camera.

There are a lot of neat things out there, some of them obvious, some of them hidden (especially if you are only driving by). This website is an attempt to document some of the more interesting things I have come across during my foot-travels.

It also allows me to indulge my fascinations with maps, history, city planning, and geography. As Auburn and the surrounding counties change more and more, I hope I can discover a few of the remaining quirks before they, too, disappear.

This website is a completely non-commercial endeavor. If you have enjoyed reading it, feel free to leave comments on the articles. I am not collecting any of your personal information through this website. I am not trying to sell you anything. You will not see any adverstisements. If you would like to receive email notices when I update the website, click on this [SUBSCRIBE] link. I won't bombard you with a lot of email (and I won't give your email address to any other person or website). I will update this website as my schedule permits and as I feel like it.

If the site remains unchanged for awhile, don't fret; it's probably because I'm out on a walk...

Archive [71]
2024 [5]
2023 [8]
2022 [4]
2021 [9]
2020 [13]
2019 [26]
2018 [1]
2017 [1]
2016 [3]
2015 [1]

 · animals
 · auburn_university
 · bridges
 · camp_hill
 · cemeteries
 · chewacla_state_park
 · churches
 · creeks
 · foraging
 · libraries
 · little_texas
 · loachapoka
 · maps
 · milling_about
 · notasulga
 · puzzle_parties
 · roads_scholar
 · roxana
 · ruins
 · saugahatchee_road
 · schools
 · signposts
 · springvilla
 · stage_road
 · trains
 · tuskegee_national_forest
 · unpaved_roads
 · weather

Offbeat Auburn website, Copyright © 2015 - 2024, Eric Harshbarger