Adventures while walking about Auburn, Alabama and its environs...
18 July 2021

Foraging In Auburn

Back in early May of this year I wrote an article after discovering a bunch of dewberries in Auburn that I was able to pick and eat (as well as preserve; I canned several pints of dewberries). With the onset of summer, my walks have become shorter (such heat and humidity!), but I have used the jaunts as a time to scout out other wild edible fruits in the city.

The dewberries were ripe in May, and as their season disappeared, blackberries ripened the next month. By July I was finding blueberries to eat, and now, in the latter half of that month, figs are ready to harvest. I expect August will bring ripe muscadines, and I am also keeping an eye on mulberry and persimmon trees around town (I'm not quite sure when their fruits will be ready). And, of course, fall will bring a bunch of pecans...

Originally I was keeping a "Google Map" of all the locations of edible plants I was finding, and while that digital version has its advantages, I decided to go much more low-tech and create a physical map at my house. The following (somewhat jerky) video shows off a coffee table I modified to display just such a map:

I am currently using nine different colors of map pins on the display, but I have ordered more because I think I will need a wider variety to accommodate all the different types of edibles I am finding.

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