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a weblog of wordplay by Eric Harshbarger

Bringing Ingots

I noticed that the phrase "bringing ingots" uses the trigram "ing" three times in a row. I started to think how I could improve upon this number with other letter formations. Trying to form fairly sensible sentences (without repeating a word), I made these examples:
Jill, I'll illuminate the room. (ILL, 3)
Don't use a dull atlatl at late hours. (LAT, 4)
and the not-too-contrived, monster:
Because asea seas ease a sea seal. (SEA, 7)
If you strain the context a bit more, you can get it up to 8 instances:
Misease? Asea seas ease a sea seal! (SEA, 8)
I'm sure I'll be looking for more examples.

-- Eric

[29 November 2009]

 Box Office Pa...
 Palindromic S...
 Dos Equis
 Box Office Pa...
 My Initial Su...
 Rock & Roll1
 Aye, Qs!
 This & That
 It's All Abou...1
 Non-Crashing ...
 Box Office Cu...
 All In A Row1
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 Over 636 Pali...2
 Omino Font
 Front Hook: S1
 History of Bo...1
 Front Hook: R
 Well, Moviego...6
 Front Hook: Q
 Front Hook: P
 Front Hook: O
 Front Hook: N1
 Front Hook: M
 Front Hook: L
 Front Hook: K
 Front Hook: J1
 Front Hook: I2
 Front Hook: H4
 Front Hook: G3
 Front Hook: F
 Front Hook: E
 Front Hook: D
 Front Hook: C
 Front Hook: B1
 Front Hook: A
 Multiple Solu...1
 And The Nomin...
 I want a cut ...2
 Scrabble Play...
 The answer is...2
 Pangrams and ...
 Pangrams and ...
 Secret Weapon...
 Colorful Citi...2
 Song, Song, S...2
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 Periodic Tabl...1
 Body Of Music...
 Filmed In Tec...3
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 Colorful Film...1
 Elemental Bod...5
 Ambigrams Rev...1
 Calculated Wo...2
 Teacher Torto...2
 True Story
 Sending My Re...
 Word Dice3
 That Does It!3
 Lexomino Puzz...
 Morse Code Pa...5
 Bringing Ingo...7
 Dot, Dot, Das...2
 Repeated lett...3
 Palindromic P...7
 Palindromic P...
 Sick Pun4
 Typesetting 2...2
 What is a "wo...
 Hollywood Nam...
 Front Hooks
 Half Price
 Through The 7...
 Bourne To Run4
 V for Very Di...
 Scrabble: Ash...
 Scrabble, red...1
 A=1, B=2, C=32
 4 Sides To Ev...4
 Periodic Tabl...2
 String of Mov...3
 Where's Winsl...4
 Standardized ...2
 Unintended Am...1
 Web Too Dah T...1
 Too clever by...4
 Another wordy...
 Beyond BOOKKE...7
 Not Positive ...11
 Scrabble Tabl...2
 Another Pan-v...1
 Not So Frugal
 Not So Funny ...1
 Memory of GAM...5
 Musical Wordp...
 Chemical Abbr...1
 Movie Rebuses7
 Television Sh...1
 Even More Het...
 More Heterogr...3
 Those crazy H...2
 Alli says, "A...
 A Puzzling St...3
 Synonymous Co...1
 Rubik Font3
 Under A Spell
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 7x7 Scrabble ...
 7x7 Scrabble ...
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 Tube Maps2
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 Superbowl: ST...
 Letter Shifti...1
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 Pangrammic Cr...1
 Comments for ...1
 Alphabet Soup4
 Book List
 Scrabble Tile...
 Letter Shifti...
 Pangrammic Cr...
 Word Searchin...1

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Comments about this article:
Hi Eric,

Happy Holidays.

How about this one:

Dear bare bear dare fare tear hare ear near rare pear area. (ARE, 13)


Posted by: Another Lego Guy

A third Lego guy:

Ack!, the back black rack lacks sacks!

Posted by: Ron - Toy Tech

A third Lego guy:

Ack!, the back black rack lacks sacks!

Posted by: Ron - Toy Tech

Here you are with 6 ihgts:
Thatīs right thatīs the fight of the knight, who, like a light in the night, pretends to be alright

Posted by: coralie coquine

The letter groups must be repeated with no intevening letters.

Smells and sounds can invoke memories, but when Proust ate the madeline, wasn't he recalling the past as taste? (ast, 3)

Posted by: Alan Morgan

On an unrelated note, I like the coloring in Herge's comics, particuarly when he's portraying really nice clothing. Yes, I enjoy the satin tint in Tintin.

Posted by: Alan Morgan

How about a TV doctor who found the courage to examine an inflamed nipple: Dr. Kildare dared a red areola. (DARE, 4)

Posted by: Tracy

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