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a weblog of wordplay by Eric Harshbarger

Repeated letters

While walking home last night, I mentally tried to construct a sentence which contained as many consecutive instances of a single letter as possible. I had seen an example of this before, but it had been a while since I'd pondered the problem. I focused on the letter L and quickly settled upon:

Jill'll lull Lloyd.

which not only has 5 L's in a row, but also another 4-L string. Not bad.

Another property that can be examined is the sentences "L-density", or, what percentage of the letters in the sentence are, in fact, L's. Of the 15 letters used, 9 are L's, so the L-density is 0.60 (maybe I'll notate that %L = 60.00).

I can improve that percentage with this addition:

Li'l Jill'll lull Lloyd.

Now, %L = 61.11.

And if Jill tries to lull everyone, not just Lloyd, we can improve things with:

Li'l Jill'll lull all.

(%L = 75.00)

Anyone out there want to try to improve this (with a fairly sensible sentence)? Or tackle one of the other letters? I'm not looking for single words or phrases, I'd like complete sentences (even if they are horribly contrived).

Submit your entries in the comments below. I'll keep a list of current additions here:

%D = 66.67: Did dad add?
%E = 70.00: Lee, see epee?
%G = 57.14: Egg gagged Gregg.
%L = 75.00: Li'l Jill'll lull all.
%O = 62.50: Woo voodoo-loon too?
%P = 64.29: Pip, pop peppy pup.
%S = 66.67: Assess sassy sis's ass.

If this type of challenge interests you, you may also like this previous LOGOLOG entry.

-- Eric

[2 September 2009]

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Comments about this article:
How about Li'l Lally'll Lull Lloyd, Jill & All... unless ampersands are out. (They would improve our score)

Here's one I just thought of:

Bobby bubble babbled by Bebe Bibb's baby bib

.....I doubt anyone can beat that :)


Posted by: Another Lego Guy

Ben, nice submission with the B's. Looks like that would score:

%B = 52.78

A simpler one actually has a slightly higher score:

%B = 54.54: Bob's bobs bob.

(and it's a palindrome!)

In your L-example, even with the ampersand, I'm seeing 16 L's out of 26 letters, which scores only %L = 61.54... less than the 75.00 above.

Posted by: Eric Harshbarger

N is conspicuously missing:

%N - No nanny in inn. (58.33%)

Posted by: Chris

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