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a weblog of wordplay by Eric Harshbarger

Scrabble, redux

So, last week, out of blue (as with most of my motivations and inspirations), I decided to start rememorizing Scrabble words. I played Scrabble competitively in the past but three years ago quit cold-turkey. But for whatever reason I woke up on a Wednesday morning and thought to myself, "I might actually like to play again."

Maybe I feel like I'm just not busy enough... what with a new Lego mosaic project just started (more on that later), my continuing work with Mind Candy, and my teaching a Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry class this semester at Auburn University. Yeah... I have waaaaay to much spare time.

Actually, I'm still not sure I will even play again... what I am sure of is that I want to start reviewing all the words again (yeah, I just might be crazy enough to memorize all of the acceptable Scrabble words... and not actually play again -- but I probably will... when I feel I'm ready).

I used to handwrite all of my flashcards for studying (the front of the flashcard would have an "alphagram", say the seven letters: AEELRST, and I would recall all the 7-letter words that are formed with those letters: ELATERS, REALEST, RELATES, RESLATE, and STEALER). I told myself that I would not lug around all of those cards again... if I were going to do this I would figure out some way to review them electronically and portably.

So, despite never having owned a handheld device (I still refuse to own a cell phone for God's sake), I researched, bought, learned how, and wrote an "alphagram quiz" program for a Palm Tungsten E2 doodad. I did all of this in about 3 days. By Saturday evening I was once again reviewing words.

I write this article one week later and am currently at about 95% recall efficiency with the first 2800 seven letter alphagrams (which encompasses about 4200 words). I can review about 500 alphagrams per hour.

I still have a looong way to go to get back to where I was when I stopped (at that time I knew about 15000 each of the seven and eight letter words -- plus all the twos, threes, fours, and most of the fives). And then I'll have even more to learn brand new if I want to try to get them all.

The 2008 Nationals are in Orlando, Florida in July. That's a relatively short drive for me. Maybe I'll be ready by then.

Or maybe I'll wake up one morning between now and then and think, "eh... screw it... I have other things to do."

-- Eric

[22 September 2007]

 Box Office Pa...
 Palindromic S...
 Dos Equis
 Box Office Pa...
 My Initial Su...
 Rock & Roll1
 Aye, Qs!
 This & That
 It's All Abou...1
 Non-Crashing ...
 Box Office Cu...
 All In A Row1
 Chemical Symb...1
 Over 636 Pali...2
 Omino Font
 Front Hook: S1
 History of Bo...1
 Front Hook: R
 Well, Moviego...6
 Front Hook: Q
 Front Hook: P
 Front Hook: O
 Front Hook: N1
 Front Hook: M
 Front Hook: L
 Front Hook: K
 Front Hook: J1
 Front Hook: I2
 Front Hook: H4
 Front Hook: G3
 Front Hook: F
 Front Hook: E
 Front Hook: D
 Front Hook: C
 Front Hook: B1
 Front Hook: A
 Multiple Solu...1
 And The Nomin...
 I want a cut ...2
 Scrabble Play...
 The answer is...2
 Pangrams and ...
 Pangrams and ...
 Secret Weapon...
 Colorful Citi...2
 Song, Song, S...2
 Favorite Numb...3
 Periodic Tabl...1
 Body Of Music...
 Filmed In Tec...3
 Cryptic Femal...1
 Colorful Film...1
 Elemental Bod...5
 Ambigrams Rev...1
 Calculated Wo...2
 Teacher Torto...2
 True Story
 Sending My Re...
 Word Dice3
 That Does It!3
 Lexomino Puzz...
 Morse Code Pa...5
 Bringing Ingo...7
 Dot, Dot, Das...2
 Repeated lett...3
 Palindromic P...7
 Palindromic P...
 Sick Pun4
 Typesetting 2...2
 What is a "wo...
 Hollywood Nam...
 Front Hooks
 Half Price
 Through The 7...
 Bourne To Run4
 V for Very Di...
 Scrabble: Ash...
 Scrabble, red...1
 A=1, B=2, C=32
 4 Sides To Ev...4
 Periodic Tabl...2
 String of Mov...3
 Where's Winsl...4
 Standardized ...2
 Unintended Am...1
 Web Too Dah T...1
 Too clever by...4
 Another wordy...
 Beyond BOOKKE...7
 Not Positive ...11
 Scrabble Tabl...2
 Another Pan-v...1
 Not So Frugal
 Not So Funny ...1
 Memory of GAM...5
 Musical Wordp...
 Chemical Abbr...1
 Movie Rebuses7
 Television Sh...1
 Even More Het...
 More Heterogr...3
 Those crazy H...2
 Alli says, "A...
 A Puzzling St...3
 Synonymous Co...1
 Rubik Font3
 Under A Spell
 State The Rea...2
 7x7 Scrabble ...
 7x7 Scrabble ...
 Scrabble Squa...4
 Tube Maps2
 GAMES Magazin...
 Superbowl: ST...
 Letter Shifti...1
 Projects of L...
 Slices of PI,...
 Slices of PI,...
 QWERTY vs. Dv...2
 Word Chemistr...
 Pangrammic Cr...1
 Comments for ...1
 Alphabet Soup4
 Book List
 Scrabble Tile...
 Letter Shifti...
 Pangrammic Cr...
 Word Searchin...1

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Comments about this article:
I like the article. I myself haven't played scrabble that much, but will be using it to teach my children. I stumbled on your website looking for Fort Worth History and found you lego building the skyline. I like what you do and hopefully this will motivate my 5 and 3 year old into building even more spaceships from their lego collection.

Posted by: francine Sustaita

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