a weblog of wordplay by Eric Harshbarger Alphabet SoupFor Christmas a friend gave me an old copy of Crossword Puzzles, Their history and their cult. A fascinating read for any logologist.It got me thinking about how difficult it is to cook up a new type of word puzzle. People have been doing word squares, acrostics, wordsearches, crossword puzzles, anagrams, and so many other types of word puzzles for so long, to think of a mechanism for a new type of word puzzle is truly a daunting task. I've always told friends that I actually enjoy creating puzzles more than solving puzzles so it only seemed appropriate that I might rise to this task. In essence, I am tackling the puzzle of trying to create a new type of puzzle. My first candidate for this challenge is a type of puzzle I'm calling an "Alphabet Soup". It is certainly crossword-based, but I've not ever seen a puzzle presented in this way: Alphabet SoupBelow is a grid with the 26 letters of the alphabet scattered therein. Below the grid (in random order) are 26 clues. Each clue leads to a single word answer that will be placed in the grid either vertically or horizontally (no reversed or diagonal words). The following stipulations apply:
I don't expect the Alphabet Soup puzzles to become a national craze like crosswords in the past (or Sudoku puzzles of today), but I hope this one might entertain the reader. I will create more occasionally. Suggestions or improvements to this puzzle specifically, and the idea of Alphabet Soups in general, are welcome.
-- Eric
[25 December 2005]
Comments about this article:On the 3rd of 42nd, should we use the original or the adopted?Posted by: Aaron Sneary Posted by: Aaron Sneary Posted by: Aaron Sneary Posted by: Eric S. |
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